• Riccardo Lichene

    Journalist | Writer | Historian | Photographer | Musician

    Hi there! I'm a journalist and gaming reporter based in Milan with a 4 years' expertise in online publications, a graduate public historian and a trained street photographer.


    I'm now attending the Walter Tobagi Master in journalism, publishing daily on their channels and specializing myself in eSport journalism and game reporting.


    My goal is to combine the passion for storytelling with my historical knowledge along with the communicative power of the camera to talk about today and all its cultures.

  • Skills

    Things I've picked up over the years


    Journalistic writing

    Creative Writing

    Game reviewing

    eSports commenting

    Graphic Novel writing


    Street photography


    Travel photography

    Fashion and Design photography

    Events official photographer


    Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop

    Adobe Premiere Pro and Audition

    Facebook Insights

    Google Analytics

    Basic Web design and mockup


    Academic research

    Historic research for documentary and fiction


    Brand heritage


  • Projects

    What I'm working on

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    A weekly news podcast about gaming, eSports, reviews and in depth analysis to always be informed of what's going on in the gaming world, and perfect for commuting 


    A Graphic novel successfully crowdfunded on Eppela about the sustainability of the digital revolution. A book taking you in the life of those paying the highest price for our thirst for technology.

  • Recommendations

    The word around town

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    Claudia Molinari

    Matteo Pozzi

    Game designers at We Are Müesli

    Riccardo is a passionate person who works with dedication and commitment. He consistently demonstrates a solid work approach with us at We Are Müesli plus a dedication to organise and manage aside from bringing his expertise in public history. He is not only a reliable and forward thinking young professional but also an inspiring team player. Materialism and fantasy are at war in his mind and from the clash of the titans of creativity come new and peculiar ideas every time we brainstorm. We believe that’s where all of his curly hair comes from.

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    Gregory Dellicarpini Jr.

    Influencer at Oystercoloredvelvet

    I’ve had the pleasure of working with Riccardo A. Lichene on many occasions. He is an incredibility creative photographer that always knows how to capture unique moments. He can successfully shoot a large variety of images from fashion photography to landscapes. He sees the world differently than most and this quality allows him to capture moments that are genuine and raw. His love for history shines through in his work and tells a story that links the present day to the past.

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    Valeria Pagani

    Editor in chief at ROA Rivista Online d'Avanguardia

    Riccardo is a realistic writer, able to catch interesting moments in people’s life. He has the reporter attitude: always in first line to catch the right feeling without any fear of being too close to any topic. He’s also a good urban photographer and he’s used to study before the topography and history of the place he’s going to shoot.

  • Experience

    Places and people I've worked with

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    Esports Editor

    Gan 2020 - Current


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    Sport Digital House

    Esports editor

    Gan 2020 - Current


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    Corriere della Sera

    Street Photographer

    Feb- Mar 2017


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    We Are Müesli

    Writer / Assistant

    Mar 2018 - Jly 2018


  • Let's grab a cup!

    Available to chat about stories, people, travel and things.

    Milan, wherever you like
    Whenever suits your fancy
    I'm late with my bills
  • Download Resume

    Get a copy of my resume. Or contact me for more info.